
Garten of BanBan: Mad Drift

Gorgeorus1 votes : 5 / 5 1

In the video game Garten of BanBan: Mad Drift, you will face a variety of obstacles, like pumpkins and monsters, and you will do so with the assistance of high-speed automobiles that do not have brakes.

Use Current as a taxi service to get somewhere. It is necessary for you to make further progress, but the gate is locked. As soon as you have eliminated all of the pumpkins and all of the monsters, they will open up.

Banban, a crimson toy monster, will be one of them. Banban presides over his very own elementary school, where he has the ability to enchant children to the point that they vanish without a trace.

Drift around the field and shooting anything you can. The gateway won't activate until after that, at which point you'll be able to proceed to the Mad Drift level of the Garten of BanBan game.


Just click here to begin. In order to move around and take control of your character within the game, you should use the up and right arrow keys.